Teacher! Teacher!


Teacher! Teacher!
Tiny hands reach up
In the hopes of a high-five
From this mysterious teacher
Born in a country
Far away,
Only seen in movies
And on maps of the world

Teacher! Teacher!
Excited students
Gather around to question
This stranger on who they are, where
They came from, and if
They’ve got
A boyfriend or girlfriend –
They always ask that one!

Teacher! Teacher!
Eager faces stare
As Teacher enters the room.
School is strict, with silent lessons,
But this one will be
Great fun! With
Funny games to drill home
The language that the students know

Teacher! Teacher!
Your confidence shines
Through you into your lessons now:
Able to act on any need,
To turn the boring
Into play.
When subjects entertain,
The students ace your class!

Teacher! Teacher!
Will you stay with us?
These lively, energetic
Lessons have become our favourites!
Now Teacher, you are
By every class you teach –
So maybe you deserve a break!

© Laura Marie Clark

Excerpt from the book “City Of The World”

Please visit my author page:

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